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How to change your baby's diaper
We'll walk you through the basics of changing your baby's diaper.
Preparing a warm bottle: breastmilk vs infant formula
To help you through those sleepless nights, Nicole Silber, RD, CSP, CLC, Summer Health’s lactation expert, has tips on warming breast milk or baby formula safely and to the perfect temperature.
9 ways to soothe newborns and infants without a pacifier
Even without a pacifier, there are ways to help calm your little one down — and teach them to self soothe.
Developmental milestones
What to expect during your newborn's first week
A new parent’s guide to everything you need to know
What to do when your baby has diarrhea
We'll break down everything you need to know about newborn diarrhea, how to recognize it, how it differs from normal poop, and what to do if your baby is experiencing it.
Gastrointestinal Issues
How to stop breastfeeding and tips for weaning
This transition can be emotional and is not always straightforward, so to help you with weaning, Nicole Silber, RD, CSP, CLC, a lactation expert at Summer Health, is here to share her tips on transitioning from the breast.
All about summer colds: What parents need to know
Kids getting sick during the summer can really put a damper on your fun-in-the-sun plans. We asked Summer Health pediatrician Marcy Borieux, MD, FAAP to share a few important facts about summer colds in children.