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Newborn circumcision care

Newborn circumcision care

Diaper changes, caring for the incision, and when to call a doctor

Diaper changes, caring for the incision, and when to call a doctor

Dahlia Rimmon, RDN

Content Writer

Dr. Marcy Borieux


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Circumcision incision appearance

It's normal for the circumcision site to swell, show redness along the incision line, and develop bruising and scar tissue after surgery. White or yellow discharge may appear on the head of the penis. You may also notice some blood inside the diaper from the drainage at the incision site.

Bathing your infant post-circumcision

To keep the incision clean and prevent crusting, avoid submerging your baby in water right after surgery. Starting on the third day post-surgery, you can give your baby a warm water sponge bath for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day. Avoid submerging the abdomen if the umbilical cord is still in place. Do not use soap or bubble bath because it can irritate the incision site. Give your baby a sponge bath for one week and then return to your regular bathing routine. You can also start using soap.

Circumcision care for your newborn

  • Avoid using wipes to clean your baby’s diaper area. Instead, use gauze pads with warm water to gently remove any stool.

  • Apply a quarter-sized amount of ointment, petroleum jelly-based cream, or antibiotic cream to the gauze, and place it on the penis before putting on the diaper to prevent the raw area from sticking. Replace the gauze with each diaper change and repeat for 5 to 7 days.

  • The circumcision incision typically heals within 7 to 14 days. Be gentle with the groin area during this time. It’s normal to see a soft yellow scab as part of the healing process.

When to call your pediatrician

Contact your local or Summer Health pediatrician if:

  • Your baby has a fever of 100.4°F (38.0°C) or higher.

  • The penis appears more swollen than expected.

  • The color of the penis changes and appears redder or darker.

  • Your baby hasn't urinated for more than 8 hours.

  • There is bleeding larger than a quarter-sized area in the diaper.

  • There is ongoing drainage from the penis.

  • Appearance of an infection

  • If your baby has a Plastibell—a plastic ring sometimes placed around the circumcision site—and it hasn’t fallen off within 10 to 12 days after circumcision.

Circumcision incision appearance

It's normal for the circumcision site to swell, show redness along the incision line, and develop bruising and scar tissue after surgery. White or yellow discharge may appear on the head of the penis. You may also notice some blood inside the diaper from the drainage at the incision site.

Bathing your infant post-circumcision

To keep the incision clean and prevent crusting, avoid submerging your baby in water right after surgery. Starting on the third day post-surgery, you can give your baby a warm water sponge bath for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day. Avoid submerging the abdomen if the umbilical cord is still in place. Do not use soap or bubble bath because it can irritate the incision site. Give your baby a sponge bath for one week and then return to your regular bathing routine. You can also start using soap.

Circumcision care for your newborn

  • Avoid using wipes to clean your baby’s diaper area. Instead, use gauze pads with warm water to gently remove any stool.

  • Apply a quarter-sized amount of ointment, petroleum jelly-based cream, or antibiotic cream to the gauze, and place it on the penis before putting on the diaper to prevent the raw area from sticking. Replace the gauze with each diaper change and repeat for 5 to 7 days.

  • The circumcision incision typically heals within 7 to 14 days. Be gentle with the groin area during this time. It’s normal to see a soft yellow scab as part of the healing process.

When to call your pediatrician

Contact your local or Summer Health pediatrician if:

  • Your baby has a fever of 100.4°F (38.0°C) or higher.

  • The penis appears more swollen than expected.

  • The color of the penis changes and appears redder or darker.

  • Your baby hasn't urinated for more than 8 hours.

  • There is bleeding larger than a quarter-sized area in the diaper.

  • There is ongoing drainage from the penis.

  • Appearance of an infection

  • If your baby has a Plastibell—a plastic ring sometimes placed around the circumcision site—and it hasn’t fallen off within 10 to 12 days after circumcision.

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