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Home safety checklist for toddlers and preschoolers

Home safety checklist for toddlers and preschoolers

Dahlia Rimmon, RDN

Content Writer

Dr. Marcy Borieux


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Water safety

  • Never leave children unattended in or near water, including: bathrooms, bathtubs, swimming pools, kiddie pools, hot tubs, large bodies of water, buckets, or toilets.

  • Secure toilet lids with a lock when not in use.

  • Always empty kiddie pools immediately after use.

  • Install a child-safe fence or gate around swimming pools and hot tubs.

  • Place anti-slip mats in showers and bathtubs to reduce the risk of slipping.

Medication safety

  • Store medications out of reach.

  • Teach your kids that supplements and medications are not food, even if they resemble candy.

  • Choose medications with child-proof lids.

Fire and poison safety

  • Install smoke alarms / smoke detectors in: every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.

  • Regularly check smoke alarm batteries and replace them as needed.

  • Create a fire escape plan with your child and practice it together.

  • Install fire guards around fireplaces and heaters.

  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach.

  • Teach your child not to play with fire.

  • Keep fire extinguishers on every floor and in the kitchen.

  • Install a carbon monoxide detector on every level of your home, preferably near sleeping areas.

  • Use child safety locks on cabinets or drawers containing cleaning products or beauty supplies like nail polish remover.

  • Save Poison Control's phone number on your phone: (1-800-222-1222).

Electrical cord safety

  • Use electrical cord covers to cover unused outlets.

  • Repair broken or damaged outlets.

  • Keep cords and power strips out of reach.

  • Unplug curling irons, hair dryers and electric razors when not in use.

Kitchen safety

  • Store knives, scissors, and sharp kitchen tools out of reach.

  • Keep electrical appliances out of reach.

  • Install child-safe knob covers on stove knobs.

  • Place an oven safety lock on the oven.

  • Make sure heavy appliances (refrigerator, stove, oven) are secure.  

  • Use safety latches to lock cabinets and drawers.

  • Turn pot handles inward when cooking on the stove or place pots on back burners.

Bedroom safety

Additional home safety tips

  • Use a secure safety gate at the top and bottom of stairs.

  • Keep cribs, playpens, beds, chairs and other furniture away from windows and window cords.

  • Keep window cords out of reach.

  • Secure heavy furniture to adjacent walls.

  • Use door knob covers or locks that are out of reach to prevent your child from leaving the house unsupervised.

  • Keep balloons and plastic bags out of reach.

  • Do not allow your child to play with small toys and toys with small parts which are choking hazards.

  • Cover sharp edges and corners of furniture.

  • Keep houseplants out of reach.

  • Lock up lawn mowers and other sharp garden equipment.

  • Install window guards to prevent falls.

Water safety

  • Never leave children unattended in or near water, including: bathrooms, bathtubs, swimming pools, kiddie pools, hot tubs, large bodies of water, buckets, or toilets.

  • Secure toilet lids with a lock when not in use.

  • Always empty kiddie pools immediately after use.

  • Install a child-safe fence or gate around swimming pools and hot tubs.

  • Place anti-slip mats in showers and bathtubs to reduce the risk of slipping.

Medication safety

  • Store medications out of reach.

  • Teach your kids that supplements and medications are not food, even if they resemble candy.

  • Choose medications with child-proof lids.

Fire and poison safety

  • Install smoke alarms / smoke detectors in: every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.

  • Regularly check smoke alarm batteries and replace them as needed.

  • Create a fire escape plan with your child and practice it together.

  • Install fire guards around fireplaces and heaters.

  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach.

  • Teach your child not to play with fire.

  • Keep fire extinguishers on every floor and in the kitchen.

  • Install a carbon monoxide detector on every level of your home, preferably near sleeping areas.

  • Use child safety locks on cabinets or drawers containing cleaning products or beauty supplies like nail polish remover.

  • Save Poison Control's phone number on your phone: (1-800-222-1222).

Electrical cord safety

  • Use electrical cord covers to cover unused outlets.

  • Repair broken or damaged outlets.

  • Keep cords and power strips out of reach.

  • Unplug curling irons, hair dryers and electric razors when not in use.

Kitchen safety

  • Store knives, scissors, and sharp kitchen tools out of reach.

  • Keep electrical appliances out of reach.

  • Install child-safe knob covers on stove knobs.

  • Place an oven safety lock on the oven.

  • Make sure heavy appliances (refrigerator, stove, oven) are secure.  

  • Use safety latches to lock cabinets and drawers.

  • Turn pot handles inward when cooking on the stove or place pots on back burners.

Bedroom safety

Additional home safety tips

  • Use a secure safety gate at the top and bottom of stairs.

  • Keep cribs, playpens, beds, chairs and other furniture away from windows and window cords.

  • Keep window cords out of reach.

  • Secure heavy furniture to adjacent walls.

  • Use door knob covers or locks that are out of reach to prevent your child from leaving the house unsupervised.

  • Keep balloons and plastic bags out of reach.

  • Do not allow your child to play with small toys and toys with small parts which are choking hazards.

  • Cover sharp edges and corners of furniture.

  • Keep houseplants out of reach.

  • Lock up lawn mowers and other sharp garden equipment.

  • Install window guards to prevent falls.

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