Now you can sign up for a full year of Summer Health all at once.
We’ve been blown away by the support of Summer Health’s customers and the interest in our service. Our customers have already saved hundreds of hours of emergency and urgent care visits, gotten peace of mind around tantrums and developmental milestones, and resolved questions about feeding, sleeping and allergens.
Our customers have been getting peace of mind piecemeal. But we hear you loud and clear: you want to pay for a year of Summer Health all at once. Today we launch the Summer Health annual plan. A whole year of Summer Health doctors guaranteed to be available to you 24/7 within 15 minutes. We’re your companion for all things health and wellness in pediatrics, and we’re not going anywhere. In addition, we’ll add you to the front of the line for new features and experiences.
Sign up for the annual plan today, and don’t forget to recommend Summer Health to your friends and family.
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