What are wake windows?
Wake windows refer to the time your baby is awake between naps. In the newborn stage, babies have short wake windows and spend most of the day sleeping. As they grow, their wake windows lengthen, and they are awake for longer periods of time and take fewer naps.
Understanding your baby’s wake windows is essential for:
- Recognizing when your baby is ready for a nap
- Preventing your baby from getting overtired and fussy
- Ensuring your baby gets an appropriate amount of sleep
- Interacting with your baby when they are awake
- Scheduling your days
- Managing naptime, bedtime, and sleep regressions
Wake windows by age
Every baby is different, and wake windows vary. Here’s an age-based overview of how long your baby may stay awake between naps:
- Newborn to 1 month: 30 to 60 minutes
- 2 months: 60 to 90 minutes
- 3 months: 75 to 120 minutes
- 4 months: 90 to 120 minutes
- 5 to 6 months: 2 to 3 hours
- 7 to 10 months: 2.5 to 3.5 hours
- 11 to 12 months: 3 to 4 hours
Activities to do with your baby during wake windows
Here are activities to do with your baby when they are awake:
- Tummy time
- Look at high-contrast photos or drawings
- Take a walk outside
- Practice diaper changes
2 to 3 months
- Sing songs
- Read books
- Mirror play with a baby-safe mirror
4 to 5 months
- Introduce toys with various textures
- Play peek-a-boo
- Music time with song, dance, and movement
6 to 7 months
- Play stacking games
- Use baby-friendly musical instruments
- Begin solid foods
8 to 9 months
- Water play
- Play with ball and ramps
- Encourage crawling with an obstacle course
10 to 12 months
- Sensory play with water, sand, or dirt
- Explore the outdoors
- Socialize with other babies
Scheduling wake windows
Unlike formal sleep training with specific schedules, wake windows don’t need to be strict. The best way to maintain a solid nap and wake window routine is to follow your baby’s sleepy cues and put them down for a nap at the end of a wake window before they become overtired and fussy.
Sleepy signs
- Rubbing eyes
- Red eyebrows
- Pulling ears
- Yawning
- Fussy and irritable
- Crying (usually a sign of being overtired)
Example baby sleep schedules from newborn to 1 year
Newborn sleep schedule
7:00 AM: Wake up and feed
7:30 - 9:30 AM: Nap
9:30 AM: Feed
10:15 AM -12:00 PM: Nap
12:00 PM: Feed
12:45 - 2:00 PM: Nap
2:30 PM: Feed
3:00 - 5:00 PM: Nap
5:00 PM: Feed
5:45 - 6:45 PM: Nap
7:30 PM: Feed
7:45 PM: Bedtime
3 to 4 month old sleep schedule:
6:30 AM: Wake up and feed
7:30 - 9:30 AM: Nap
9:45 AM: Feed
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM: Nap
12:45 PM: Feed
2:15 - 3:15 PM: Nap
3:45 PM: Feed
4:45 - 5:30 PM: Nap
6:30 PM: Feed
7:15 PM: Bedtime
6 to 9 month old sleep schedule:
6:30 AM: Wake up and milk feed
8:00 AM: Solid food
9:00 AM: Milk feed
9:15 - 10:30 AM: Nap
12:00 PM: Milk feed
12:30 PM: Solid food
1:30 - 3:00 PM: Nap
3:30 PM: Milk feed
5:00 PM: Solid food
6:15 PM: Milk feed
6:30 PM: Bedtime
Programa de sueño de 10 a 12 meses:
7:00 a.m.: despertarse y alimentarse con leche
8 a.m.: Comida sólida
9:30 a.m.: Alimentación con leche
10 a 11:30 a.m.: Siesta
13:00: Alimentación con leche
13:30: Comida sólida
14:30 - 16:00: Siesta
16:00: Alimentación con leche
17:00: Comida sólida
18:30: Alimentación con leche
19:30: Hora de dormir
¿Influyen las regresiones del sueño en las ventanas de vigilia?
Las regresiones del sueño dificultan que un niño se duerma y pueden extender sus ventanas de vigilia. Las regresiones también pueden hacer que duerman más tarde de lo habitual o que duerman una siesta más tarde durante el día, lo que hace que la hora de dormir sea más difícil.
Hora de la siesta y despertador
Según su edad, la mayoría de los bebés duermen una siesta de 1 a 2 horas. Si tu bebé se echa una siesta inusualmente larga, mantén un horario constante para despertarlo, pero evita que se quede despierto demasiado tarde para evitar problemas a la hora de dormir. Si tu bebé está enfermo, deja que duerma todo lo que necesite para ayudarlo a recuperarse.
Póngase en contacto con un Salud en verano especialista del sueño con preguntas o inquietudes sobre el horario de sueño o las ventanas de despertador de su bebé.
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