Problemas gastrointestinales
Problemas gastrointestinales
February 20, 2025
Problemas gastrointestinales

Human parasites: Pinworm infection in children

What to know about pinworms, symptoms, treatment, and preventing infection
Dahlia Rimmon, RDN
Escrito por
Dahlia Rimmon, RDN
Redactor de contenido
Dra. Marcy Borieux
Revisado médicamente por
Dra. Marcy Borieux

What are pinworms?

Pinworms, also known as threadworms, are small parasitic worms that live in the intestines and rectum. The scientific name for pinworms is Enterobius vermicularis, and an infection is called enterobiasis.

These worms are thin, white or light gray, and resemble tiny threads. Pinworm infections are most common in children and often spread through close contact in daycare, kindergarten, or school settings.

Pinworms spread when a person swallows pinworm eggs. Once inside the intestines, the eggs hatch, and at night, female pinworms travel to the anus to lay more eggs, which causes intense itching. When a child scratches their anus, the microscopic pinworm eggs attach to their fingers and get trapped under their fingernails. This makes it easy for the infection to spread to others.

Pinworms are highly contagious and can be transmitted by touching infected skin and contaminated surfaces. The eggs can survive on bedding, towels, toys, clothing, and other surfaces for up to two weeks.

Symptoms of pinworms

  • Intense anal itching, especially at night
  • Vaginal itching
  • Abdominal pain or nausea
  • Difficulty sleeping due to itching
  • Visible pinworm eggs around the anus

Checking for pinworms

To check for pinworms, apply transparent tape to the perianal area as soon as your child wakes up in the morning, before bathing or using the bathroom. Then, press the tape onto a glass slide or place it in a container provided by your pediatrician. Bring the sample to your pediatrician’s office for examination.

Treating pinworms infection

To eliminate pinworms, an anti-parasitic medication is required. Treatment typically involves two doses, taken about two weeks apart to ensure all pinworms are eradicated. Since pinworms spread easily, all household members should be treated to prevent reinfection.

In addition to medication:

  • Wash all bedding, clothing, and towels in hot water to eliminate remaining eggs.
  • Keep nails trimmed and hands clean to reduce the risk of spreading eggs.
  • If your child has severe itching, talk to a doctor about relief options such as antihistamines or soothing creams.

Preventing pinworms and reinfection

  • Frequent hand washing, especially after using the bathroom,, especially after using the bathroom and before eating.
  • Keep toys, toilet seats, and surfaces clean to reduce the spread of pinworm eggs.
  • Shower daily to remove pinworm eggs from the skin. Avoid baths, as bathwater can become contaminated.
  • Teach children to avoid touching their anus or genitals and to resist scratching. This prevents spreading of the worms.
  • Keep fingernails short and clean to prevent eggs from getting trapped, spreading, and reinfection.

If you have questions about treating pinworms, reach out to your local or Summer Health pediatrician for support. Summer Health is a pediatric telehealth platform offering 24/7 care, providing answers for everything from urgent concerns to everyday questions about your child’s health.

Salud en verano ofrece atención de urgencia pediátrica rápida y confiable a través de médicos en línea, todo por mensaje de texto. Ya sea que le preocupen la fiebre, los sarpullidos u otros problemas de salud de su bebé, le brindamos asesoramiento y apoyo de expertos en cualquier momento, directamente desde su teléfono.
Problemas gastrointestinales
Problemas gastrointestinales
Entrenamiento del sueño
Cortes y rasguños menores
Entrenamiento para ir al baño
Comenzar con alimentos sólidos
Hora boca abajo
Niño pequeño
Dermatitis del pañal
Vómitos y diarrea
Dolor de oído
Recién nacido
Vitaminas y suplementos
Cradle Cap
Problemas de la piel
Ojo rosado
Hitos del desarrollo
Dolor de barriga
Ropa para bebés

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