Feeding issues

Feeding problems are very common in the newborn and infant stages, whether you are breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or both. They can occur for a number of reasons and can cause a lot of stress and frustration for parents. Sometimes the infant has a hard time with sucking or swallowing the milk. Other times they can have trouble with frequent spit ups and vomiting which can be uncomfortable for them. Most of the time feeding problems are not too serious, especially if the child continues to gain weight and develop as expected. However, sometimes there can be causes of poor feeding that are not improving and run the risk of harming your child’s growth and development. The reasons for more serious feeding issues include anatomic, functional (like reflux), milk intolerance, genetic causes.

Common questions

feeding issues

What are common feeding problems in newborns and infants?

Common feeding problems in newborns and infants include difficulty with sucking or swallowing milk, frequent spit-ups, vomiting, and discomfort during or after feeding. These issues can be stressful for both the infant and the parents but are often not serious if the child continues to gain weight and develop normally.

When should I be concerned about my baby's feeding problems?

You should be concerned if the feeding problems are persistent and seem to be affecting your child's growth and development. Signs to watch for include poor weight gain, dehydration, refusal to eat, and symptoms of pain or discomfort that don't improve. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to consult with a pediatrician.

What could be causing my baby's feeding problems?

Feeding problems can have various causes, including anatomical issues, functional problems like reflux, milk intolerance, and genetic factors. Sometimes, feeding problems are associated with underlying medical conditions that need to be addressed.

How can I help my baby with feeding problems?

To help your baby with feeding problems, try different feeding positions, ensure a proper latch during breastfeeding, and use a suitable bottle and nipple if bottle-feeding. Burp your baby frequently during feeds, and keep them upright after feeding to reduce spit-ups. If problems persist, consult with a pediatrician or a pediatric dietician for specific advice and possible interventions.

Are there any long-term effects of feeding problems in infants?

Most feeding problems in infants do not lead to long-term issues and resolve as the child grows. However, persistent feeding problems that lead to poor nutrition and weight gain can have long-term effects on a child's growth and development. Early intervention and treatment are key to preventing any potential long-term consequences.

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feeding issues

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feeding issues
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Blog posts about

feeding issues

Dahlia Rimmon, RDN
Feeding issues

Food allergy symptoms

Dealing with food allergies can be nerve-racking for parents as they start introducing solids to their babies. The last thing you want is to accidentally feed your baby something they're allergic to, and suddenly they start itching, or worse, they’re having trouble breathing. Yeah, no thank you! But remember, knowledge is key, and understanding food allergy symptoms can give you the confidence to navigate this new milestone. We're here to provide guidance and help you recognize what to look for so you can feel more at ease when introducing allergens to your child.

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