Ear infections are the most common reason for in-person pediatric care since more than 80% of children get an ear infection before their third birthday. They happen when inflammation in the inner ear, often brought on by a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory tract infection, causes fluid to build up and put pressure on the eardrum. Ear infections are diagnosed with an otoscope, or ear scope, which uses a scope, light, and magnifying lens to help pediatricians visually evaluate the eardrum and the presence of fluid.
Research shows that caregiver-led, at-home diagnosis with smartphone-driven systems is comparable to visual examinations by trained physicians. With the addition of a small paper tip and app download, most of today’s smartphones can become diagnostic tools to understand and diagnose ear infections remotely. This simple, proven screening tool can reduce the over 30 million in-person visits for parents seeking this diagnosis each year, saving money and helping children get healthier faster.
Summer Health is proud to partner with WavelyDx to bring at-home ear infection diagnosis to our families from the comfort of home. The WavelyDx system uses the microphone and speaker in smartphones, in concert with a paper tip and app that processes the sound data to detect fluid buildup. The process is simple: the smartphone's speaker emits a soft acoustic chirp into the ear canal, and the microphone captures the reflected sound from the eardrum. This data is then processed by the app, which can predict whether or not middle ear fluid is present, even if earwax is present. A normal eardrum creates a broad-spectrum, soft echo. One obstructed by fluid or pus, as is the case in ear infections, has less vibrational capacity. If there’s an infection, our team will call in a prescription, and your child will feel better faster.
The WavelyDx device is free for Total Care subscribers and is $20 to Summer Health Enhanced subscribers. If your child is prone to ear infections, we recommend purchasing the device before you need it so it’s available when the urgency arises. Based on the WavelyDx result and their other symptoms, our providers may be able to issue an ear infection diagnosis. To get your at-home Summer Health ear tip kit, click here.
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